3 Star – Zanzibar
4 Star – Zanzibar
Adventure – Zanzibar
Honeymoons and Weddings – Zanzibar
Luxury – Zanzibar
Enquire about your December Deal and Specials Zanzibar Holiday
Important Information:
Prices are calculated using heavily discounted airfares with limited availability. The actual fare will be established at time of booking dependent on airline/class available.
Prices are calculated based on the actual rate of exchange on the day and are subject to change. As this is an estimate only, prices are to be used as a guideline only and the actual costs will be confirmed at time of booking. No reservations have been made and all services are subject to availability.
Late booking requests, for travel within 72 hours (3 days), will result in a late booking fee of R500.00.
Errors and Omissions excepted. Whilst we make every effort to ensure the accuracy of the pricing information provided, regrettably errors do occasionally occur. When we become aware of any such error, we will notify you as soon as is reasonably possible. If a booking is already in place, you will have the choice to continue with the chosen itinerary at the corrected price or amend to a different holiday. We reserve the right to cancel the booking and refund you in full if you do not wish to accept the correct price that applies to your holiday or the alternative offered.